The dos and don’ts of wheel maintenance

Do: Apply a wheel wax

Applying a professional wheel wax will help you to protect your wheels against road grime and other harmful contaminants.

Do: Use a microfibre cloth

You should always dry your wheels after cleaning. Water spots can leave marks on the wheel surface.

Our Wheel Care Kits have everything you need to clean and protect your alloy wheels!

Do: Use a professional wheel cleaner

Over time, road grime and other harmful contaminants build up on the road’s surface. You should use a professional wheel cleaner to help remove harmful ferrous metals and prevent a build up over time.

Don’t: Clean your wheels straight after driving

If you apply cold water to a hot wheel surface, you risk cracking the disks. If they don’t crack, the wheel cleaner you’ve used may dry onto the hot surface, leaving stains on your wheels.

Don’t: Use a hard bristle brush to remove dirt

If you use a hard bristle brush to remove dirt from your wheels. Abrasive brushes can cause scratches on the surface of your wheels which can lead to corrosion or cracking in the long term.

Don’t: Use acidic wheel cleaners

Acidic wheel cleaners can cause damage to your alloy wheels and expose them to moisture.

More Information

Wondering why you should care about wheel care? Check out our advice for more information!