‘I’ve lost count of the number of cars I’ve put AlloyGators on and they’ve genuinely saved me thousands over the years.’
Quentin Willson – Motoring Journalist and Broadcaster – former Top Gear presenter

Trustpilot Reviews
'What is the worst sound for a car driver? Well short of kids whining in the back or a full – on smash, for me it’s the slow crunching grind of kerbing your alloy wheels for the first time in a car that is new or new to you.
Look at almost any city based car and you’ll be hard pushed to find one that doesn’t have all four wheel rims trashed. Having crunched the nearside front on the very day I got my last new car I resolved to do something about it. That did include a promise to myself that I would become a better parker and it also meant finding a solution that would protect the wheels from alloy repairs at a cost of £100 or more a corner.
My saving has been AlloyGators. These simple devices fit between the rim and the tyre and take the brunt of the kerbing. Garages in the Alloygator fitter network can usually fit them while you wait. It takes less than an hour. You can do it yourself if you’re confident of and save about £40 but if you’re not I wouldn’t recommend it. There’s a knack to getting it right and when well fitted they stay in place and provide the protection you need. I prefer the black but they come in a wide range of colours so you don’t have to be understated if you don’t want to. And let’s be honest, its not always your driving you have to worry about. In my case there are three other family members who might not fess up when they have whacked the wheels.
Since I have had them fitted to my vehicles they have defended against a few knocks I know about and I’m pretty sure many I don’t and the rims are still in good shape. At less than £100 a set fitted that’s less than the cost of one- wheel repair and a whole lot less grief.’
Mark Goodier
Radio Presenter & Founder
Chairman Wisebuddah
‘I’ve lost count of the number of cars I’ve put AlloyGators on and they’ve genuinely saved me thousands over the years.
How do I know this? The one time I didn’t get round to fitting them on a Range Rover a certain family member (who shall remain nameless) did all four rims in a week. The wheel refurb cost added up to £500.
I think AlloyGators are the best there is.’
Quentin Willson – Motoring Journalist and Broadcaster